A Heartbeat & A Guitar: Johnny Cash & the Making of Bitter Tears
A Heartbeat & A Guitar: Johnny Cash & the Making of Bitter Tears
The White Man's Golden Rule- Drums
The song is on education and the forced assimilation by teaching the Native Children from a white man’s view and went as far as giving them a “white” name. The 1893 court ruling that kept them in boarding schools & the passing of the Indian Child Welfare Act in 1978!
The hard to believe problems facing children in Canada to this day!
Education statistics, respecting blood lines and reservations struggles with voting. We need voting sites on Native Land!
Hear excerpts from- Canadian folk singer, Oscar Brand and Producer Joe Henry.
Drums Lyrics: https://www.antiwarsongs.org/canzone.php?id=11083&lang=en
Canadian Education Articles:
A Heartbeat & A Guitar Book: https://www.amazon.com/Heartbeat-Guitar-Johnny-Making-Bitter/dp/156858637X
We’re Stii Here Documentary: https://www.kinolorber.com/film/We're%20Still%20Here:%20%20Johnny%20Cash%20Bitter%20Tears
Johnny Cash-Bitter Tears LP: https://www.amazon.com/Bitter-Tears-Ballad-American-Indian/dp/B000002AU0
Look Again to the Wind LP: https://www.amazon.com/Look-Again-Wind-Johnny-Revisited/dp/B00KLOCQIE
Sing Out Article on Bitter Tears: https://singout.org/various-look-wind-johnny-cashs-bitter-tears-revisited/
Bitter Tears Article by Antonino D’Ambrosio: https://www.salon.com/2009/11/09/johnny_cash_2/#
Before the Lights Podcast: https://www.beforethelightspod.com/
Before the Lights Bitter Tears Webpage: https://www.beforethelightspod.com/bittertears